Leadership Coach in Corporations
"As a leadership coach I focus on critical team transformations, my target group are medium size companies within Europe. Before starting the IPL process I expected to get a system in place to get leads, but found out I had to go back and do my homework first, or in other words: Define what really is my core offering.
The IPL process helped me to narrow my focus, or as my friend says: I had to make a to be chosen. I love to bring things immediately into practice, so I decided to use my new product pitch in my next sales conversation - and it resulted in a direct sale! Within 4 weeks, I got back an ROI of 25 x my original investment with IPL.
My advise: Be coachable and trust the IPL process! My favorite thing was being made aware of the choices you have to make and it's sometimes only little adjustments you need to do to get to the next level. I knew I had 4 weeks of low season and I fully dedicated it to the program, do this investment in yourself so you can easily accelerate.
It feels peaceful after having gone thru the process because I know I did my homework well and I can now focus on the market: There will be more yesses than ever before (so far 100 % conversion rate).
My tip: Work on yourself and try this process out immediatly! "
Self Leadership Coach
"Before starting the IPL process the challenge was that I have a good knowledge about a lot of stuff, I tried to offer almost everything to everybody, so it was hard for me to create a clear product.
Biggest result or aha was that I had a clear product and my clients understand the product - and it works! The first person I offered this product - he bought. And then a second one, and a third sale!
Only started 4 weeks ago.
My favorite thing? Everything was my favorit thing!
You and my coach Christelle were great sparring partners, helped me a lot to go and overcome my own resistance inside.
Mix between coaching and and the academy/lms, to accept the way you taught and follow the process.
I gained clarity for myself during the process, what I actually am selling.
My tip: Just do it!"
I joined the IPS and I got clarity straight away. I love the way how it is modular and each bit builds on top of one another - so there's no overwhelm. You get just the right information to take the next step. Went from having a just broad skill to the business becoming much more solid for me, that was massive because I now know what I need to talk about with interested people. The IPS program showed me what and how to communicate.
And I already found a client even before my own deadline! My recommendation: If you're in doubt, just do it and make really good use of the coach you're assigned to. My coach helped me thru the roadblocks, so it's much more than just doing the exercises, found that invaluable.
Jack Moscrop
Coach for Meaning & Purpose
What I love the most about the IPS is: It takes the coaching training I had and converts it into a business, in a step by step way. And getting my business off the ground to making a profit. Love the structure!
I also love the whole process- especially the gamified approach to learning, it's a lot of fun! Takes away the overwhelm of learning. And the community: An amazing group of people, shared passion, shared values. Plus having a coach by your side for support.
If you get the opportunity to be part of it - go for it!"
- Kagiso Molatlhwa, Botswana
Executive & Management Coach
It got me very confident to create the product. Best thing is the group, we comment each other, we have coaches who support us and we can see ideas that we did not think about before.
My tip: If you're a coach and you're kind of stuck and not going anywhere, go for it, it's the best thing you can do for yourself."
- Marion Dumazy, Germany
Decide Now! Coach
For several years, I have been considering developing my own product that I can create just once and then sell it to multiple customers. That's why I decided to go for the IPS process. With a very well-structured approach, I was able to successfully create and sell my own product- an online course for busy working mothers, in a short span of time.
The online learning portal was particularly useful, providing me with step-by-step guidance, as well as the regular Zoom calls with my personal coach. The one-on-one calls with Nathalie, as well as the mutual support and feedback in the LinkedIn group, were also very encouraging in my process.
Now I have a clear product that I can offer and sell with confidence.
For anyone looking to create their own product and expand or scale up their business, I highly recommend the IPS process.
- Tanja Hofstetter, Happy Mother Coach and Wingwave Expert, Switzerland
"3 yrs ago joined one of Nathalie's workshops and signed up for the group coaching. She got us out of our comfort zone, helped me overcome self limiting believs and how to represent myself better.
Thank you for believing in me!"
"When I first started I had separate projects going and was not sure how to integrate them all and how to build a sustainable business.
When you posititioned me with the pmp (profitable marketable product) you helped me create a package deal - a lot more focused, knowing what to say and which direction to go.
As a transformational life coach I was not tangible, but you "forced" me to get tangible and make it relevant to my audience. So they finally understood what I offered, got tracktion, more people saw my posts, filled up my group program right after having a baby - and 2 high-end clients in the past month.
Definitly your encouragement to not give up and keep on going has been huge for me."
"Working with Process Managers I find they are very often stressed and under a lot of pressure. With the PMP (profitable marketable product) we created the Souveraign Leader Approach with a unique twist to what I do with them in the program.
Within the PMP process Nathalie helped me to do a very soft sales pitch, I had a couple of conversations and already have a highend client - even though I'm brandnew in business.
I recommend any Coach to have your PMP done for you - I got real value for the money."
Coach, Facilitator, Therapist
"Went from Greenhorn in Sales to selling over 10'000 Swiss Francs to 2 clients after my 3rd pitch - it was shocking, really. I said to myself: "F... this PMP works! Just do what Nathalie tells you to do."
Female Leadership Coach
"I was struggling to find the right angle for my business, knew I wanted to do something for leadership but I was not clear and not able to sharpen this message.
During the process a bunch of fluffy ideas suddenly became a systematic approach which is attractive for left and right brain people. It made a huge difference because I was very clear to develop my whole funnel up to the highend product.
The first 5 calls I did with potential customers were really successful: 4 out of the 5 are happy to start with me! It was a completely different sales experience, it is suddenly really easy to sell it."
Leadership Coach Athletes & Exec.
"Before we started working together I was totally lost - did not know where to start to create my offering. After only 2,5 months I now did 11 pitches and the feedback for my compelling offer is: Very well understandable, clear message, a lot of benefits and the concrete results are 1 sale, 4-5 close to completing an agreement (or a sale) and 2 others with very positive input and a good chance getting business out of it. I moved from nothing to paying clients within 2,5 months!."
"After 5 years of searching for the right niche, I started the Coaching Business Academy and gained clarity in less then 2 months!
Plus I already found a client in my new niche after 6 weeks of the Academy thanks to the strategy I learned"
"Before working with Nathalie I was struggling to find my niche, the first 3 months I found my niche and built my 2 programs.
It was very intense and very clear - and very easy, I loved that. Another take-away how to use the interview process to fill my groups, very easily, very nicely.
Loved the strategy call template and how to sell and how to help, I'm not nervous about this anymore. And the last part, the Sales Experience - I now have all the processes in order to lead to my big program - it's just perfect!"
"I had a prospect who declined my offer and I told him about this new product Nathalie developed and he said: Wow, that's what I need! So I got to a very nice offering for a team and sold my new product directly a few hours after I got it.
Then tested it with my business partner, she loved the concept, the simplicity of the approach, you can memorize the things easily. It makes a lot of sense the way the components are articulated."
"I was hesitant at first because I was already in another program for my Coaching Business. I decided to sign up because the promise was clarity, focus and clients. After 45 days I have an ROI of 7 - 14 x my initial investment - defintly got what I came for!"
"Stick to your values, I think it's one of the most important things. And when you say something, stick to it. If you're not authentic, many people will recognize it.
And that is what you can definitly learn from Nathalie, because she is always completely authentic. And that's what I love and that's why I'm here, and that's what I want to learn, too, that I do it in the same fantastic way that she does."
"The truth is the system works. 13 % sales conversion and my biggest lesson is the importance of following a proven system.
Just follow the process of Nathalie. You get huge added value, very recomendable."
"3 yrs ago joined one of Nathalie's workshops and signed up for the group coaching. She got us out of our comfort zone, helped me overcome self limiting believs and how to represent myself better.
I highly highly recommend working with Nathalie, she's always ready to help you, very friendly, gives you a lot of value and creates such a friendly atmosphere in her environment."
It is one thing to get results for your own business, but to help others do the same is 1000 times better :-D !!!
"13 interviews done and 4 clients out of it!"
"one of the prospects met with me in person"
"big win: Found a client for my coaching in the company where I work now!"
"I did the post we created together and got overwhelmed: 18 leads and 9 calls scheduled within a few hours!"
"almost doubling my income within 3,5 months"
"sold my first coaching contract worth 37 kEUR after 2 months"
"founded my Millionaire Mind Money School"
"3 clients, clarity and thank you so much for crossing my path"
"clarity and 4 clients after 2,5 months"
"accountability, community and strategies that work! all you have to do is implement them"
"More focus on my business, better in presenting it, better story"
"Biggest win: just to get started!"
"I'm so grateful for the stuff we've done here - much higher quality, much higher drive, much more helpful then other trainings I've done - just realizing the value of what we do here!"
"almost doubled my income within 3 months, got rid of my Little Voice and bought myself a new Tesla"
"Thank You"
"got to 6 figures within 3 months"
"got 2 clients before even finishing the Quickstart Formula"
"implemented your sales & social media strategy and got a client straight away!"
"learned how to get noticed on Linkedin and got a couple of unexpected clients along the way"
You can do this for any industry, just trust Nathalie. She has put up a step-by-step system - everything builds on top of one another. You will be surprised about the results! I'm done with the customer acquisition for the year!"
- Anja Blodow, Germany
all that's been stopping me before that has been a challenge has been broken down into baby steps, so I was getting things done I was so afraid of before.
It was the action taking that made the biggest difference to me. I already sold something to 2 people! Totally recommend it: when you take the action, you'll get the results that you want."
- Diana Blanco, Spain
EFM gives you all kind of scripts for the sales part and the process is really clear, step-by-step. I now know what to do to get my next clients. One of the big break thrus was reaching out to people, and I am now able to teach my clients this strategy as well.
Up to date I made 3'045 CHF since the beginning as a result of all the activity I was doing."
- Elise Dorsett, US
Wow - that's impressive!"
- Christelle Pillot, France
If anyone's worried about being pushy or slimey and manipulative when selling, forget about all that: This is a very open hearted way of working with people.
Thru that process my way of being has changed, so I'm seeing more success in my business. Totally recommend it."
- Martin Daubney, UK
- Raul Ladrero, Spain
Book a complimentary Brainstorm Call now where we'll take a look at your business, see what's working and what isn't and give you a plan on how to take it to the next level!
"Biggest thing was to sell myself to myself. I have to believe that what I do is good and it gives value. I also value very much the preparation before we did the cold calls - I liked that exercise a lot - getting out of the comfort zone is always amazing."
"sold my very first 2 Coachings at the Sales Bootcamp - big win for me as a Startup Coach!"
"really great structures I feel confident to follow. We covered s much in just 2 days, biggest lesson: just do it. During the program I managed to get a new clients, so the thing paid for itself several times over. Absolutely recommend it"
"I changed my view on sales and selling, now I see myself as sort of a missionaire. In terms of content, the template for selling 1:many was the key piece because I can use that right away.
written testimonial: It opened my eyes on many aspects I was not thinking about. I learned so much in these two days, that I consider it very well invested money and time."
"You made me lose my fear of selling. I always had the feeling I have to not be myself, so now I can be authentic - I must be authentic. And the templates are sensational: You give me the structure and motivated me to go out there and start selling!"
"Thank you so much, I've really enjoyed the breath of the program, got a lot of things I want to go back to, build one of those triangles out for my key program. Structure for the call - quite streight forward. Structure of the last 2 days really helped me get clear. And of course your energy and the continued pace of the program - really recommend it"
"you're really good in giving energy, told someone what I do for 2 days and his response: how the f... can you do that? I replied: remember the board meeting where we sat with a stiff neck, wishing for dinner time? Here it's different - congratulations!"
"I loved the practical tips, it's given me a lot more confidence. Just the energy that you have; I can't believe that I was not bored stupid during these whole 2 days - every other online training leaves me exhausted and I don't feel that way - so thank you for that"
"Thank you very much for the teaching, it was amazing! Biggest win was how to connect with the clients, handle objections and the viral marketing"
"so many take aways, phrasing it simply: get shit done. Have all these templates and tools now - put them to work! I now feel equiped to just get it done - thank you!"
"my 2 biggest takeaways: how to connect with people on the phone and via chat, get people interested in what I offer - that's gonna be a life changer for me!"
"found it very interesting and a like the format online, I don't have to organize travel and all that. What I loved the most was templates about "lets get chatty" and the sell like a coach template"
"I'm not tired at the end of the day, I still have energy. Biggest thing I learned if you know exactly what you sell and you have the right format it's not that difficult! I will start doing phone calls and I would have been totally afraid of that."
"really enjoyed the whole experience and I don't know how you kept the energy so high for 2 days. The "Sell like a Coach" template is brilliant, I've had different templates and this one ties it all together. The other thing is the triangle, really great design tool for anything, project, product, offer, think it's really good - both things I can use right away."
"Since 21 years working as a freelancer I thought I can sell... but, I learned a lot of really great content. What was very helpful was the sales structure and I LOVE your templates. You were very lively, never boring, full of humour and you made it very interesting - full of energy and power the whole 2 days - thank you for that"
"For me sales is a relatively new topic, the templates were very helpful and I loved the marketing stuff. Sales is a difficult topic for me. It was very smooth and smart how you made an offer and taught at the same time - very smart and smooth. Biggest lesson: Selling can be easy!"
"The energy was very high, never boring. A lot of powerful templates, sales is a living process, it's about interaction with people. Lost the hesitance I had before, now I'm much more open - thank you"
"really liked the format, variety of exercises, very well balanced. Key learning was handling objections and the marketing piece was very powerful"
The value of the content was really high. I loved the energy and the connecting with the trainer and the seminar members.
It was a good mix of learning (listening), exercising (writing alone or in group work) and having fun together. I liked Nathalie's experience, wisdom and knowledge - it's outstanding for me. Especially I liked the human behaviour (acting on eye level).
Very useful 2 day session.
Really applicable principles and structures.
Good energy and experienced trainer.
Good opportunity to connect with like-minded people.
This is a great training to overcome any negative thoughts, feelings regarding sales!
Lots of tools are offered from which one can chose and elaborate.
This is a must do training.
"Yes - A great programme packed with lots of great content and ideas. Lots of practical ideas that can immediately be applied and put into practice."
I would thoroughly recommend the Sales Boot Camp as it is full of useful tips and tricks- great fun atmosphere and an antidote to the fear of selling. Can't wait to go out and try the techniques!
I always thought that selling is sleezy & horrible. Now I can see that it is about adding value to people who really need my services.
Although I have attended sales workshops before SBC, I still struggled with selling. After taking this workshop I have been able have even further breakthroughs and remove even more of my blockers that were hiding back to sell! An awesome workshop, take it !!
"amazing Sales Program"
"lost my fear of selling"
"highly recommend the sales program"
"great energy & community"
"great sales program"
"absolute clarity about my niche and a client - thanks to the 3 client finder formula"
From personal development, via business strategy to hands on tactics, this event brings you to your next level.
There was a very good balance in theory, strategy and immediate action with state of the art online tools.
Nathalie showed a clear sales process to success and we set up our own system in only two days in a very fast way with free tools.
Thanks also to all participants for the inspiration in our breakout sessions.
Clarity for the process of a successful business as a whole, the knowledge + implementation in an easy and fast way, high engagement all the time for two days, interaction in the group in the breakout sessions.
It provided in 2 days a starter for clear process to grow my business from A to Z, boosted confidence in my capacity to achieve it and concrete tools, tips, useful information.
Thank you Nathalie for your passion, your dedication and your energy!
The interactions are very helpful as the live actions are to get results or at least a feeling on what's needed to do going forward.
Definitely worth the time and money. Nathalie overdelivered as usual! Do highly recommend it!
This was a workshop that gave the words "scaling up" a new meaning.
For me as a start-up coach, it was that workshop, in which I noticed, what I have missed so far. The right "recipe" or road map for the next steps foward to my freedom and success for me and my clients. For me the complete workshop was very important!
I really appreciate the fact that you gave me the opportunity to reintegrate the workshop as I had to leave earlier. Thank you !
interactive & educative
"Nathalie gives fantastic value with a great mix of lists, structure and hands-on advice. You get an overview and next step action at the same time. Very hands on, fantastic mix of customer-orientation and tools and ideas to systemize the business. Really impressed!"
"Clarity of speech, enough content to feel ready for action. Good rythm through the session and everyone participating actively."
"Amazing information. Never heard most of the infos. Very intensive. Nathalie did an amazing job teaching us about the coaching business. She showed us the work which is needed to make the business work. I have learned to work through the foundation and not just to start with the "walls" or the "roof"."
"Energetic, structured involving: I bring home alot of knowledge compressed in 1 day only. Thank you!"
"Great energy and speaker, concious learning, excellent organisation and planning, networking and idea sharing."
"The group exercises, the joy of the games and learnings from them are a reason I would advise to participate in workshops like the one Nathalie presented today."
"Very professional presentation, content extremly valuable + useful, never boring."
plenty of actionable takeaways."